Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Penang factories mass shut down during this bad time...updated (Malaysia companies)

What i do for my living? I am a Supervisor at Penang FTZ . This a a bad time where people working in this industry fear of loosing their jobs. In fact our factory is hit by the first wave (2nd tsunami) and effected 500 people.

What will happen to people 's dream, what they will wish for and are they prepared to face the reality....?

I am just a normal worker and hoping for the best for penangties...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hi guys.......take such a long time to set up...and finally....

Hi Guys......

Nama saya Adam Hilman...... Saya akan buat posting kadang-kadang dalam bahasa and sometimes in English....depend on with part of my brain is functioning.......nice to meet you all... and hope we can share some ideas and adventure...